Once, the idea of wearing hiking boots off the trail might’ve earned you a few raised eyebrows. But now, we’ve entered the era of “gorpcore,” where your grandmother’s Merrell boots can make you the most fashionable person on New York City’s sidewalks. The line between functional outdoor gear and high fashion has never been blurrier — and honestly, we’re here for it.
No longer confined to hikers, climbers, or campers alone, brands that specialize in technical performance gear are now taking over city streets and high-fashion runways from downtown to Boris Bidjan Saberi. Five key frontrunners — Salomon, Arc’teryx, Merrell, ROA and Gramicci — exemplify the crossover of rugged practicality and throwing streetwear fits. But what’s driving the shift?
The Gorpcore Trend
If you’ve been on a walk to grab your morning coffee in Brooklyn recently and felt like you were at a merchandising event for REI, you wouldn’t be insane for feeling that way. Wearing outdoor gear in an urban setting has risen in popularity and we believe it’s with good reason.
There’s been an interesting cultural shift in fashion — functionality is what’s in. More and more, we’re seeing people value utility, durability and this idea of taking a piece and letting it transcend its original use — a kind of repurposing. We’re not sure who did it first, but somewhere along the line, the fashionable put this concept into practice. With social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok showcasing gorpcore, we’ve got a world of creative inspiration for styling looks meant for the outdoors.
Salomon, known for their trail-running sneakers and being the go-to brand for runners and hikers alike, is now embraced by celebrities and the fashion elite. EmRata and Bella Hadid are fans of the XT-6’s, and Rihanna notably illuminated the brand last year when she wore a pair during her Super Bowl performance. The influential stepping in these sneakers has pulled up a chair for Salomon at the table of the fashion-meets-wilderness cultural zeitgeist.
Meanwhile, Arc’teryx has become the jacket of choice for anyone who wants to look effortlessly put together while braving the elements — or just the walk to their favorite bagel shop. Social media has only amplified its appeal, with influencers showcasing head-to-toe Arc’teryx fits against urban backdrops. Collaborations with high-fashion labels like Jil Sander and BEAMS have further pushed its sleek, technical aesthetic into the mainstream. With these collaborations, there has been a redefining of technical and utility items as stylish, not just functional.
Merrell is no longer just the brand of your grandmother’s hiking boots. From one generation to another, Merrell has long been a household name for hikers, thanks to its comfortable and reliable design. Its iconic Moab hiking boot, first introduced in 1981, received high praise for its durability and functionality. And even now, Merrell’s recent embrace of streetwear aesthetics has breathed new life into the brand, as they’ve become something of a staple for the gorpcore trend. The brands partnerships with up-and coming designers and influencers have introduced it to a younger, more style-conscious audience.
On the high note of rugged functionality, the fashion world has welcomed ROA with open arms. Founded in Italy, with their craftsmanship is the lovechild of avant-garde design and functionality. They’ve hit the scene with brands like A-COLD-WALL, demonstrating their ability to unite outdoor practicality with fashion sensibilities. ROA favors the bold, and the bold favor them. Their appeal lies in this boldness as they reimagine what outdoor gear could look like in an urban, creative context.
A crossover with the climbing world, Gramicci started as a brand for rock climbers, but it’s baggy pants and durable designs have found a second home in streetwear. Collaborations with brands such as Stüssy have kept Gramicci at the forefront of functional fashion. On TikTok and Instagram, Gramicci pants are often featured in styling videos, showcasing their adaptability for both casual and polished looks. Part of the brand’s appeal is rooted in the authenticity of its aesthetic, ultimately making it a hit with younger audiences who value both comfort and credibility.
The Intersection of the Outdoors and Fashion
The fusion of the outdoors and fashion transcends trendy. This merging of worlds reflects our lifestyles and values. Brands like Salomon, Arc’teryx, Merrell, ROA, and Gramicci represent the best of both worlds, bringing us products that perform in extreme environments, but also grab our attention on our commute. These brands are proving that style and substance can, in fact, coexist while either hiking a mountain or loitering on Canal Street.